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Choose one response in each pair to see how you align with Ecumenical Catholic principles!
I believe the Pope is infallible in all matters of faith and moral practice and that he has direct spiritual authority over all others and me.
I believe the Pope is an important spiritual leader & teacher of the church, and though my decisions of faith or morals differ with his, I can still remain Catholic.
I believe that artificial birth control is a sin even when used by married couples.
I believe that the decision to use artificial birth control is best decided by couples in married and/or committed relationships.
I believe that Catholic marriage is forever and that one is only released of the bond and free to re-marry if one receives an annulment from the Tribunal.
I believe divorce is often tragic, but not an unpardonable sin and that divorced people who remarry should be fully welcomed into the church and its sacraments.
I believe that only the Pope and Catholic bishops should have authority in the church and that lay people should not share in the church's governance.
I believe that lay people of the church should have a voice in the church’s governance. Clergy are accountable to the people, structurally, morally and in every way.
I believe that only celibate men should be priests.
I believe that priests may be celibate or married, male or female.
I believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the one true church.
I believe the diversity of religions and denominations reflects various valid expressions of faith and worship, whether Catholic or not.
I believe that a Catholic must consistently obey Catholic teaching and the canon law of the church, in order to be "Catholic".
I believe that a Catholic is free to follow his/her conscience as well as Church teaching, including matters of faith and morals. I believe that one’s conscience, sincere study of the issue and a committed relationship with God may lead to a holy, good and right decision.
I believe that sex between unmarried people is always a serious or mortal sin, and that even mature adults in committed, romantic relationships are sinning if they have sex before marriage.
I believe that expressing one’s love for another through sexual sharing is healthy and holy, and is to be encouraged between mature adults who are married and/or in committed long-term relationships.
I believe that only Catholics should receive Holy Communion at Mass and that Protestants should not be allowed to receive communion at Catholic Masses.
I believe that Jesus is the Host of the table and that Holy Communion at Mass should be open to all baptized Christians and sincere people of faith.
I believe that homosexuality is contrary to natural law.
I believe that gay and lesbian people are "wonderfully made" by our loving Creator.
I believe that my salvation is tied to being Roman Catholic and leaving the Church may jeopardize my going to heaven.
I believe I can be a non-Roman Catholic-Christian like thousands of others around the world, live with integrity, and be saved.