Northglenn, CO 80233
Church of the Beloved is an independent, inclusive Catholic faith community. We have Mass every Saturday at 5pm. The Second Saturday of each month is a Mass For All Ages, in which children are encouraged to participate.
Located At:
10500 Grant Dr
Northglenn, CO 80233
We are concerned, committed Catholics forging a path toward the reform and renewal of the Church. Embracing an inclusive community, we...
In the years/months prior to finding the Church of the Beloved, members of our community recount their stories of spirituality, church community and religious experience: What was happening in their hearts? Where were they spiritually? emotionally? intellectually? How did they first learn of Church of the Beloved (or the ECC)? What finally prompted them to attend Mass? How their first experience felt. Any identifying information has been removed.
Click here for a Survey to see if you are Ecumenical or Roman Catholic!
Our community chooses to be members of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion. Being Catholic involves journeying with others in the tradition.
The ECC's mission statement:
We are People of God baptized in Christ and professing our faith in a living Catholic tradition. We are men and women, lay and ordained, joining together as a "communion of communities" in response to the messianic call of the Spirit to preach the Gospel of liberation and justice; to offer a refuge in Christ for those who suffer prejudice; to stand open to dialogue with others so called and, to conform our lives to the life and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ecumenism refers to efforts by Christians of different church traditions to develop closer relationships and better understandings.
In an ecclesiastical sense, we practice worship, ritual, sacraments, in the Catholic tradition. We listen to the Word of God, share the real presence of the body and blood of Christ, live the Christian message of love and Gospel values. We follow the liturgical year, using symbols and signs, traditional prayers, etc. One does not have to be Roman to be Catholic. There are many catholic traditions. Many Christian traditions use the word "catholic" in their creeds or professions of faith; at its root meaning universal. We of the ECC consider ourselves to be Everybody's Catholic Church!
We are in deep, even intimate, relationship with Jesus and each other as we gather around a common table, common faith, and life. Living into communion is to hone the skills of relationship as Jesus did with reverence and dignity to which we are each called. After discernment, each ECC parish or worshipping community made a decision to be a member of the Communion. There is an application process. Part of being Catholic is connecting with the whole. We are a Communion of member communities.
The ECC Anti-Racism Statement
COB Racial Equity Resources
Church of the Beloved has compiled a list of resources and actions (linked above) to aid those who seek to understand, learn more and do more about the impact of racism on Black, Indigenousness People of Color (BIPOC).
We are a part of the Rocky Mountain Region of the ECC.
Compelling Vision of the RMRC: A strong faith-filled communion of diverse communities within the Rocky Mountain Region of the ECC.
Mission: The Mission of the RMRC is to listen and respond to the Spirit’s leading and action in the diverse communities of our region, facilitate collaboration, foster growth in faith and love, and extend the radical hospitality of the ECC to one and all.
Functions/Scope of Responsibility: Relationships: Facilitating relationships among the regional member communities, via dialogue, shared prayer, retreats, annual summits, social outreach, and educational events.
Communications: Sustaining ongoing communications among region communities by all available means; Collaborating on efforts to educate about and increase visibility of the ECC to the public at large.
Administration: Administering the region’s resources and finances, i.e. Vicar stipend, travel expenses, etc. Coordinating dialogue about the growth, leadership and effective operation of the region. Facilitating ongoing dialogue and discernment regarding the call of a regional bishop when timely and appropriate.
Check out the other ECC churches in this region:
Baptism marks us with the Sign of the Cross, initiating us into the Family of God. Infants, children, and adults are prepared on an individual basis.
Receiving Communion, or the Holy Eucharist, is encouraged by all the baptized, regardless of age. We invite children to join us at Jesus' table as soon as parents are comfortable. Formal education about this most holy sacrament and remembrance of Jesus' life commences when the child reaches the age of reason.