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Every day, we hear about or know people who are having a difficult time putting food on the table. Summer, especially, is tricky because school breakfasts and lunches are not available for children in our communities. We can make a difference. Annually, we repackage bulk rice and beans into one-pound bags for distribution to area food banks. In a typical year, we package hundreds (even a thousand) pounds of beans and rice.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
COB's Prayer Shawl Ministry mission is to share our prayers and creativity in order to reach out to those within the Church of the Beloved community and beyond, who are in need of God's Love, strength and comforting during times of illness, loss or occasions of Sacramental celebrations. We knit, crochet or sew prayer shawls and blankets in order to combine the healing power of prayer with the healing ministry of touch and caring for others during the stress and joy-filled moments in their lives.
Advent / Lent Projects
Every Advent/Lent we select a service project to support the community. Below is a listing of some of our past service projects:
Church of the Beloved is a "tithing community": 8% of our offerings are returned to our sisters and brothers in need. Organizations we have contributed to include: